Remembering Who I am


Remembering Who I am

We are more than our bodies, our careers, and the identities we have taken from birth.

We are souls having a human experience. We live in a world where our focus is outward - towards wealth, status, and relying on others for our happiness.

We strive to have it all. Yet we often remain unfulfilled and unhappy.

Fulfilment requires an answer to three questions. “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?”. We are on this planet for a reason.

Going within gives us the space to connect to our soul, to slow down, to become self aware, to see what needs healing, to find out what we need to unlearn and let go of. In doing so we gain the clarity, joy, inner peace, happiness and freedom that we all are searching for.

Creating a life that you love

Now that we have done the work we become free to create the life that we love. Joy is our birthright. Creating a life that you love is aligning yourself with your core values. Follow your own compass. Live life outside of the box because this is were the magic happens. Speak your truth; this will lead you to deep conversations that become more meaningful. See love, beauty and value in ordinary things. Use what you love doing and incorporate into the work that you do. Take care of you and practice Gratitude.

May you open your heart to feel the abundant joy, wonder and beauty within you

- Joy Holland